August 8th....

August 8th, a day that took many wonderful people from us. -This character actor, best remembered for his roles on "Leave it to Beaver" and "The Dick Van Dyke Show" left us in 1984. -One of the original silent film stars, she passed away in 1985. -This classy English gentleman is best remembered for his role as Alfred the butler on "Batman" in the 1960's. He passed away in 1988. -This hard working character actress played Mrs. Addison on "Mister Ed." She left us in 2003. -Beloved for her role in King Kong in 1933 this legend passed on seventy-one years later in 2004. -She became immortal with a generation of fans as Miss Ellie Ewing Farlow on "Dallas" from 1978 to 1984 and then from 1985 until 1990. Sadly her life ended in 2005. In Memoriam Remembers: Richard Deacon Louise Brooks Alan Napier Edna Skinner Fay Wray Barbara Bel Geddes


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